Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of X; Creator, Writer, Editor, Executive Producer, ETC
Sarah lives in the midwest with her partner and two cats, and (in addition to podcasting) writes and talks about things for a living. Learn more about Sarah at
Kay Krause
voice of Charlotte
Kay Krause is my mother-in-law. She gets a kick out of playing Charlotte and is a very nice person in real life.
Lincoln Donovan
Voice of Captain Miles Chen
Lincoln Donovan is a writer and voice actor who has not yet provided me with a bio. It is quite likely that he never will.
Josh Crute
voice of Kai (S1)
Josh Crute is a children's author. His debut picture book, Oliver, the Second Largest Living Thing on Earth, became available in stores September 2018. He is fairly confident that he is not a robot.
Voice of Ivory "Thor" Thorsson
Alyce is a cosplayer and special effects makeup artist, and the author of She may or may not live on the planet Earth.
George telonis
Voice of James Chance
George Telonis is a native of Syracuse, NY. He now resides in Los Angeles, CA. As a teenager, he hosted a local, Sunday night radio show called "Teen Talk". He did not go to Harvard.
Stacy ThomAS
Voice of Dr. Keane
Stacy Thomas is living her dream as a professional voice actor in Dallas, Texas. She recently completed her first self-published book, Always On The Way: Travel Stories of a Semi-Young Black Woman's Life Overseas While Trying to Maintain Her Sanity. It will be available April 2018. For more information about Stacy and her voiceover work, visit
Thoreau Smiley
Voice of The Councillor
Thoreau Smiley is a voice actor, writer, audio drama producer and composer. He's most well known for the supernatural comedy, Attention HellMart Shoppers, and his newest show, 1994. He currently resides in the Milwaukee area.
Sarah Golding
Voice of the Fixer
Sarah Golding is an amazingly versatile and fun-loving voice actor with a fantastic range of voices and characters. You can hear her voice in many indie audio dramas as well as on her show, the MADIVA (Modern Audio Drama Indie Voice Acting) Podcast.
Jamie Killen
Voice of Intern Dani Weiss (S1)
Jamie Killen is a writer of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. She is the creator of audio dramas SPINES (one of my favorite audio dramas EVER), The Six Disappearances of Ella McCray, and Mirrors (which I’m also in!).
Hayley Armstrong
Voice of Assistant Frost
Hayley Armstrong is a stage actor, voice actor, and singer residing in Austin, Texas. She is a member of The Vortex Repertory Theatre Company, has performed voice over, and theatrical work with other Austin based theatre companies such as The Rude Mechanicals, and Shrewd Productions, and frequently wonders how she manages to find creative work with so little experience. More of her musical and voice acting work can be found on her YouTube channel.
A.R. Olivieri
Voice of Dr. Singh, Cyrus
A.R. Olivieri is not just a figment of your imagination. They are in fact a writer, voice actor, and audio drama creator who resides in Sarah's brain. Check out their shows 2298, L I M B O, Magic King Dom, and Great & Terrible.
Jon Krause
Voice Actor coordinator (S1); voice of Bae the Pilot
Jon is my brother-in-law and wrangles the voices of Chen, Kai, and Chance. He also plays the pilot, Bae, who is of course named after Paul Bae of The Big Loop. He (Jon, not Paul) lives in L.A. with his husband and a cat named Garrus.
Jordan Cobb
Voice of the Empress Conglomerate Comms
Jordan Cobb is a beautiful dream monster. You may ask no further questions.
Voice of Ms. Moretti
She’s on a mission to find out exactly what an "It Girl" is. Micky has been playing the role of artist since the late ‘90s. She's a lover of all things feline. Occasionally plays in traffic.